From Alberta Williams King
Author: King, Alberta Williams
Date: January 25, 1954 ?
Genre: Letter
Topic: Martin Luther King, Jr. - Family
Alberta Williams King writes to her son on the other side of Reverend Banks’s letter to her husband, whom she often referred to as “King.” She sends regards to “Coco,” the family’s nickname for Coretta Scott King.
Daddy wishes you to answer this letter from Rev. Banks. Be sure to write him in time. (over)
Will try to write tonite We are all fine at present. A. D.1 is off his crutches—using a stick. Church is still progressing—balcony half full each Sunday—Jeff & King organized Brotherhood last week—Men quite enthusiastic. Will write real soon.
Love to Coco—
[signed] Mother
1. A. D. (Adam Daniel) Williams King (1930–1969) was Martin Luther King, Jr.’s younger brother.
Source: MLKP, MBU, Martin Luther King, Jr., Papers, 1954-1968, Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center, Boston University, Boston, Mass.