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Complaint, City of Montgomery v. Martin L. King

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Author: King, Martin Luther, Jr., Defendant

Date: January 26, 1956

Location: Montgomery, Ala.

Genre: Legal

Topic: Martin Luther King, Jr. - Arrests

Montgomery Bus Boycott


King drove home on Thursday afternoon with church secretary Lilie Thomas and a Morehouse friend, Robert Williams. On the way King picked up a few passengers at a carpool station and was questioned by the police. Two motorcycle policemen followed as he drove away and stopped him for driving thirty miles per hour in a twenty-five zone. King was arrested and taken to Montgomery City Jail and spent some time there before being released. That night the MIA held seven mass meetings to satisfy the crowds interested in King's arrest.

Source: CMCR, AMC, Circuit Court, Montgomery County Records, Montgomery County Courthouse, Montgomery, Ala., File 4604

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