From Estelle Jackson
Author: Jackson, Estelle
Date: September 24, 1954
Location: Roxbury, Mass.
Genre: Letter
Topic: Martin Luther King, Jr. - Family
Jackson may have been the proprietor of Mrs. Jackson’s Western Lunch Box, a restaurant where King and other black students often ate.
Hello Rev. King,
We thought that by this time we would at least get a card from you. The children misses you and there wondering if you got home safe to your wife after that awfull storm we had. But I explained to them that your very busy trying to get your church going. We pray for your success, and we just know you’ll make cause your a sincere person. I just know your wife is happy to have you back home. We do hope to meet her someday. The Hurrican we had that day left us without lights for almost a week. The second storm we had the same thing happened. But we can thank God we’re all safe. I’ll have the children write to you. So far theres been two mails for you. We’re in hopes to hear from both of you. Must come to an end. God Bliss Both {of} you. Love from the children
[signed] Mrs. Estelle Jackson
Source: MLKP-MBU, Martin Luther King, Jr., Papers, 1954-1968, Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center, Boston University, Boston, Mass.