From Francis E. Stewart
Author: Stewart, Francis E.
Date: July 29, 1954
Location: Monticello, Ga.
Genre: Letter
Topic: Martin Luther King, Jr. - Career in Ministry
In his reply Stewart expresses concern about George W. Davis, King’s former professor, under the Blanton administration. Clarice is Stewart’s wife.
Dear Martin:
Thank you very much for your good letter of July 26 which arrived this afternoon. I had suspected that Blanton was at the bottom of this shift, although I hesitated to say so. When he was down here earlier in the year he expressed some feelings of conflict, but it was directed more at Keighton and Batten. I am wondering about Dr. Davis and Keighton now, what do you think they are going to do as a result of all this?
Personally, I feel that if Blanton can bring about a better relationship between Crozer and Eastern so that the best factors of each school will be represented it will be all for the good. To be ministers of the gospel I feel that we must have a profound concern for those we serve. On the other hand, I am equally concerned that we not sacrifice our reasoning powers for any cheap, shoddy sentimentalism.
I do not know what the trustees had in mind when they brought Sankey to the seminary, but from what Dr. Davis said he has the backing of the trustees now. However, he seemed quite disturbed about the whole business. Sankey, as you very well know, is not what is [strikeout illegible] known as a tactful man.
We had a very fine meeting at Emory and I enjoyed the fellowship very immensely. Unfortunately, Dr. Boyd wrecked his car coming over to the meeting and we did not get to hear him. I understand it was a pretty bad wreck, but I don’t think he was hurt too much.
It would be a genuine pleasure to come over and preach for you in Montgomery sometime. Clarice’s mother lives at Langdale, Alabama which is about half-way between here and Montgomery so we go over that way fairly regularly.
Let me know if you hear any more on the situation at Crozer.
I hope you finish your work on your dissertation without any trouble. I met a professor from Boston U. while I was at Emory. He is Dr. John T. Greene, Professor of Marriage and family counseling at your institution. He is a very fine fellow who loves to talk. I know you won’t have any free time to visit, but if you should run into him, please give him my regards.
We are all doing fine. Now we are trying to get ready for a few days f vacation, as soon as we finish a revival meeting out in the country.
Kindest Regards,
[signed] Francis.
Source: MLKP-MBU, Martin Luther King, Jr., Papers, 1954-1968, Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center, Boston University, Boston, Mass.