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From George W. Davis

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Author: Davis, George W. (Washington) (Crozer Theological Seminary)

Date: February 20, 1956

Location: Chester, Pa.

Genre: Letter

Topic: Martin Luther King, Jr. - Threats/attacks against

Montgomery Bus Boycott


King hears from his most important mentor at Crozer, a Baptist who taught seven of his courses at the seminary. Davis and his wife, Mildred J. Davis, convey their concern for King and his family following the bombing.

The Rev. Martin L. King, Ph.D.,
309 S. Jackson St.,
Montgomery, Ala.

Dear Martin:

This letter has been in my mind for days, but it is only now getting to penpoint. You and yours have been very close in our hearts and minds since the violence experienced upon your home a few weeks ago. We were dismayed, of course, by this manifestation of ill-will, but rejoiced that no harm came to those you love. We have heard of your stand for a life of equal privilege and opportunity for your people and admire you for your willingness to take such a stand.

Mrs. Davis and I thought you would like to know of our concern for you and yours and also for this cause in which we stand with you. We trust that the strain of these days will soon be but an unhappy memory and that the day of our equality before men as before God may not be far away.

As ever,
[signed] George W. Davis

Source: MLKP-MBU, Martin Luther King, Jr., Papers, 1954-1968, Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center, Boston University, Boston, Mass.

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