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From Grady Wilson

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Author: Wilson, Grady (Billy Graham Charlotte Crusade, Inc.)

Date: July 28, 1958

Location: Charlotte, N.C.

Genre: Letter

Topic: Martin Luther King, Jr. - Political and Social Views


Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.
208 Auburn Ave., NE
Atlanta, Ga.

Dear Rev. King:

Billy Graham has never engaged in politics on one side or the other. Governor Price Daniel’s invitation to introduce Billy Graham in San Antonio was extended by the ministers of that city. Dr. Billy Graham and members of our team were there as the guests of those ministers. We never dictate to the local ministers whom they are to invite or not to invite. We were surprised to receive your telegram and learn of your feeling toward the Governor of the Sovereign State of Texas. Even though we do not see eye to eye with him on every issue, we still love him in Christ, and frankly, I think that should be your position not only as a Christian but as a minister of the Gospel of our risen Lord.

Perhaps you should know that we received scores of letters and telegrams concerning your coming to our meeting in New York, and yet Mr. Graham was happy to have you come as a fellow minister in Christ.

Cordially in Christ,
[signed] Grady
Grady Wilson1
Associate to Billy Graham


1. Grady Baxter Wilson (1919-1987), born in Charlotte, North Carolina, was a boyhood friend of Billy Graham. Wilson was ordained a Baptist minister in 1938 and later received a B.S. (1943) from Wheaton College. He authored the 1959 book, Billy Graham as a Teen-ager, and was an advisor and traveling companion to Graham for decades.

Source: MLKP-MBU, Martin Luther King, Jr., Papers, 1954-1968, Boston University, Boston, Mass.

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