From Joel Lawrence King
Author: King, Joel Lawrence
Date: February 4, 1954
Location: Lansing, Mich.
Genre: Letter
Topic: Martin Luther King, Jr. - Family
King’s trip to Michigan included sermons at Second Baptist Church in Detroit on 28 February 1954 and at his uncle’s church in Lansing on the morning of 7 March. Joel King informs his nephew that King, Jr.’s sermon will be broadcast on the “Hour of Faith” radio program, which will also broadcast his sermon at Second Baptist.
Dear M. L.
Received your letter this morning and I am answering it immediately, First, we will be expecting you here on the first Sunday in March as stated. But I waunt you to know the line up of the program for that day.
You will be speaking morning, evening, and night. The morning service will be broadcast over all stations in Lansing and Vicinity. It is the “Hour of Faith” program, one which our church is Honored Guest once every two months. I want your Sermon Topic’s and cut for the paper as soon as possible. Arranging in the afternoon for you to speak to the youth of the church, and that night will be our regular Communion service. So there you have it all lined out, I know you will be a “toughman” for the boys, but son, I waunt you to let them have it. (smiles)
I will be leaving for the South On the 15th of this month, and will be back in my pulpit for the Fourth Sunday. So come on over from Detroit any time leading up to the First Sunday.
If possible let me hear from you before I leave, so that I {may} get things well in hand.
Heard from your father last week, all well and I was in Detroit last week they were getting along nicely there.
Tell Coretta we’re are sorry she will not be able to make “The Cross Country Trip” but perhaps the next time. Wife is fine and will be here while I am away. She joins me in best regards to all.
Your Uncle
Source: MLKP-MBU, Martin Luther King, Jr., Papers, 1954-1968, Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center, Boston University, Boston, Mass.