From Major J. Jones
Author: Jones, Major J. (Boston University)
Date: May 1, 1955 to May 31, 1955?
Location: Boston, Mass.
Genre: Letter
Topic: Martin Luther King, Jr. - Education
Having just taken his qualifying examinations at Boston University, Jones asks whether King would attend the graduation ceremony. King remained in Montgomery.
Dear Dr. King, Ph.D.
This is just a note to say that I will be there for the week end of the 12th of June. If that is not a good Sunday for you I will have to come on another occasion of a visit to the fair city of Atlanta.
Things are going well with me here and I am not so sure how long they will be so. They examined me on May the 9th and I have you to know they did just that too. Don’t you tell me anything about B. U. any more. I don’t know what the man was thinking about when he made that exam. I have never taken anything like that before in all my life. I have not had the word as yet as to what I did, but I do hope I made it. I don’t want to go through that again.
Other than that I am going on with the other work. I don’t have any axams so I can get to work on my dissertation as soon as I get the word. I hope to get a lot of the word done by the end of the Summer so that I might be able to get it over with this next year.
Well, think of it Dr. and let me hear from you. Are you going to come up for the graduation? I know you said you did not know as you would when you were here last. I suppose when you do get the thing out of the way you don’t care for anything but that you have done all of this work. But those 35 books really did me in, but I got them read some kind of way. I don’t know yet how.
Tell you more about it when I see you. Tell all Hi!
Very truly yours,
Source: MLKP-MBU, Martin Luther King, Jr., Papers, 1954-1968, Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center, Boston University, Boston, Mass.