From R. D. Nesbitt and T. H. Randall
Author: Nesbitt, R. D. (Robert D.); Randall, T. H. (Thomas Hamilton)
Date: March 7, 1954
Location: Montgomery, Ala.
Genre: Letter
Topic: Martin Luther King, Jr. - Career in Ministry
rev m l king jr =
396 northampton st apt 5 bsn =
this will advise that you have been extended by unanimous vote a call to the pastorate of the dexter avenue baptist church. the church felt it fitting and proper to with hold other matters pertaining to same until its officers have had opportunity for personal conference with you. we would like for you to meet our officers on the saturday preceeding the third sunday in march if this is not convenient advise us as to when. please reply so necessary announcements can be made from the pulpit sunday =
dexter avenue baptist church r d nesbitt
church clerk and t h randall chairman
deacon board = . .1
1. A native of Montgomery, Robert D. Nesbitt was a longtime employee of the Pilgrim Health and Life Insurance Company of Augusta, Georgia, serving first as an agent, then as auditor and executive manager. His civic activities included membership in the NAACP, serving as chair of the Cleveland Avenue branch of the Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA), secretary of the board of the Metropolitan YMCA, and president and treasurer of the Montgomery Area Mental Health Authority. He was clerk of Dexter Avenue Baptist Church for thirty-five years, also serving terms as chairman of the deacon board and treasurer of the church. See R. D. Nesbitt to King Papers Project, 22 November 1991.
Source: MLKP, MBU, Martin Luther King, Jr., Papers, 1954-1968, Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center, Boston University, Boston, Mass.