To Ralph W. Riley
Author: King, Martin Luther, Jr. (Dexter Avenue Baptist Church)
Date: November 15, 1955
Location: Montgomery, Ala.?
Genre: Letter
Topic: Martin Luther King, Jr. - Career in Ministry
King confirms Riley’s preaching engagement on 11 December.
Dr. R. W. Riley, President
American Baptist Theological Seminary
Nashville, Tenn.
Dear Dr. Riley:
This is just a note to say that we are still expecting you to give the Anniversary sermon at 11:00 o’clock service on the second Sunday in December. As you know this is the Seventy-eighth Anniversary of this church. Please send me within the next ten days one of your cuts and an “immodest” biographical statement for publicity purposes.
At your earliest convenience let me know when you will arrive and how you will be traveling. We hope it will be possible for Mrs. Riley to come.
With every good wish, I am
Sincerely yours,
M. L. King, Jr.,
Source: DABCC-INP, Dexter Avenue King Memorial Baptist Church Collection, In Private Hands.