From Roland Smith
Author: Smith, Roland (National Baptist Training Union Board)
Date: December 10, 1954
Location: Nashville, Tenn.
Genre: Letter
Topic: Martin Luther King, Jr. - Career in Ministry
King was appointed to an advisory council to the National Baptist Convention’s National Baptist Training Union Board, on which Smith served as secretary.1
Rev. M. L. King Jr.
309 South Jackson St.
Montgomery, Alabama
My dear Rev. King:
Your letter of December 7, 1954, accepting the place as a member of the advisory counsil on curriculum and literature of the Baptist Training Union Board, received.
We appreciated your acceptance and I will advise you with reference to our plans for the future.
With the best of wishes, I am
Sincerely Yours,
Roland Smith, Secretary
National B.T.U. Board
1. Roland Smith (1902–) graduated from Morehouse in 1929. He pastored churches in Georgia and Alabama before becoming pastor of Little Rock’s First Baptist Church in 1947. He was statistician of the National Baptist Convention from 1932 until 1954, when he became secretary of the National Baptist Training Union Board; he served in that position until 1957.
Source: MLKP, MBU, Martin Luther King, Jr., Papers, 1954-1968, Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center, Boston University, Boston, Mass.,