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To Ross Allen Weston

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Author: King, Martin Luther, Jr. (Montgomery Improvement Association)

Date: June 4, 1956

Location: Montgomery, Ala.

Genre: Letter

Topic: Martin Luther King, Jr. - Political and Social Views


On 18 May the Unitarian Fellowship for Social Justice gave King its John Haynes Holmes-Arthur L. Weatherly Award for “outstanding leadership in the cause for social justice.” King was unable to attend the award presentation in Boston. On 11 July King granted the group permission to reprint his letter acknowledging the award in Unitarian Action.1

The Rev. Ross Allen Weston, President
Unitarian Fellowship for Social Justice
4444 Arlington Boulevard
Arlington 4, Virginia

Dear Rev. Weston:

This is just a note to express my appreciation to you and the members of the Unitarian Fellowship for Social Justice for so graciously honoring me by presenting your annual award. I assure you that I will be able at all times to live up to the noble and sublime principles stated therein. I can assure you that such recognition gives me new determination to continue the struggle for freedom and justice. Moreover, it awakens within my mind the fact that there are persons of good will in America who are deeply concerned about justice and freedom for all people, and who are willing to make the noble precepts of democracy living facts lifted out of the dusty files of unimplemented and forgotten court decisions.

Again, let me apologize for not being able to get to Boston in person. I deeply regret that the conflict arose. Please know that I am greatly in sympathy with the program of The Unitarian Fellowship. 

With every good wish, I am

Sincerely yours,
M. L. King, Jr.,


1. See Ross Allen Weston to King, 25 April 1956; and King to Lois McColloch, 11 July 1956. 

Source: UUAR-MH-AH, Unitarian Universalist Association Records, Harvard University, Andover-Harvard Theological Library, Cambridge, Mass., Box 66

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