From Walter R. McCall
Author: McCall, Walter R.
Date: August 5, 1954
Location: Fort Valley, Ga.
Genre: Letter
Topic: Martin Luther King, Jr. - Career in Ministry
McCall congratulates King on his new position as pastor of Dexter Avenue Baptist Church, a pulpit McCall had pursued himself. McCall also mentions his impending marriage and the difficulties he is experiencing in breaking off an earlier relationship. The latter woman’s name has been deleted for reasons of privacy. Dudley is George W. Dudley, pastor of Liberty Baptist Church in Atlanta.
Dear Mike,
It was good to hear from you the other day, and to know that all things seem to be going your way. I must admit, however, that I thought that you had forgotten the Ole Boy. Yet, I do understand what it means to keep busy. Last week, I called your home and was told that you would be in on Friday night, so I took for granted that you were not going to remain very long, as was pointed out in your letter.
So, you will take over your church on the first Sunday, September? Very good! Long delay in matters of that nature can, at times, work havoc upon one, I suppose. People can become very disgruntled. I was talking to a young lady from Montgomery week before last. She and her whole family are members of that Church. They do, I am told, think highly of you.
Well, as for me things are going very good for me, but I am working in very hot weather. Trying hard, however, to keep from over doing it. I am! During the past year, I worked rather hard, and now I find it inexpedient to drive during the summer months.
By the way, things here from the lady angle. I am going to get married on June 14, 1954.1 I would like to have you serve as the best man. The young lady to whom I plan to be married is an Annabelle Spann, of Chester, S.C. She is a girl who has impressed me more than any girl I have ever gone with. She has poise, culture and refinement, attractiveness and shapeliness, and versatility. Moreover, she has a very fine family background. Above all, however, she loves me, and I love her. Between us is a spirit of mutuality. Frankly, I believe she’ll make me a good wife. She holds the A.B., and M.A. degrees from S.C. State and Cornell University respectively and has done further study at the latter. She teaches Home Economics at State College in Huntsville, Ala. By the way, I suppose Dudley told you about my other chick from N.C. who was down visiting me in Feb. She works in N.C. and holds residence in Albany, Ga. Doc., really she is beautiful, but she does not have what this girl has. I hate to break off from her, but I am ready to be married, so I am not willing to continue playing the field.
[Name deleted] has gone to California. I gave her fifty dollars with the idea of helping to support the child, but that support only gave [Name deleted] a ray of hope to win me over to marry her although I have told her again and again that I am not going to do that. She has already worried the very day light out of me by long dustance phone calls and a host of letters. So, instead of continuing that support, I have cut it off already. Never do I expect to help in any fashion. Man, [Name deleted] will harass me to death if I give her the least o’ consideration. Hate to take that attitude, but I think I am wise in so doing.
Yes, you may inform me in plenty of time as to when I may render any deed of service for you in connection with your parish. I will gladly do so. I will not be back at Fort Valley until the third week of September. I shall vacate. Best wishes for a continued summer of felicitations. A hello to Coretta.
Your Pal,
{Mamie Thompson who received her M.A. from B.U. is on our summer school faculty. Tell me, what is it between you and her?}
1 McCall meant 1955.
Source: MLKP, MBU, Martin Luther King, Jr., Papers, 1954-1968, Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center, Boston University, Boston, Mass.