From Walter R. McCall
Author: McCall, Walter R. (Fort Valley State College)
Date: March 3, 1955
Location: Fort Valley, Ga.
Genre: Letter
Topic: Martin Luther King, Jr. - Career in Ministry
A member of the Dexter congregation planned to attend Fort Valley State College, where McCall was now chaplain and dean of men. McCall promises to “take a personal interest in him” and “guide him aright to the best of my ability.”
The Reverend Mr. M. L. King, Jr., Minister
The Dexter Avenue Baptist Church
309 Jackson Street
Montgomery, Alabama
Dear Mike:
Thanks for your letter of March 2, 1955. Its content was considered and has been acted upon in every way possible. Relative to Nesbitt, I called the Registrar’s Office this morning and have been informed that he has not sent in his application as yet, but I am certain that he will be accepted. We shall do all in our power to help him find his way. As a matter of fact, I shall follow your advice: take a personal interest in him, and shall guide him aright to the best of my ability. I would urge you to urge him to send in his application immediately as we have many applications this time of the year, that I may look out for him in regard to lodging quarters in the dormitory. The places in the city to live are poor. Personally, I do not advise students to seek lodging in the city in anywise.
Yes, you may look for me on Saturday, March 12th. I am not too sure that I will be able to get off on Friday, yet I do need to take such break as I have been working like mad! In the meantime, perchance I leave here on Friday (which is doubtful), I hope to bring my girl friend along. She teaches at Albany State College. She has been for two or more {yrs.} a great source of inspiration to me in my ministry.
Please convey my best wishes to all whom I may know, especially Bob Williams and my good friend and patriarch, Deacon Randall. He has done more to strengthen my interest in the preaching ministry than all persons I know.
Tell Coretta that I am hungry for good home cooked foods. Look out! Best wishes, I am
Sincerely yours,
[signed] Mac
Walter Raleigh McCall
Source: MLKP, MBU, Martin Luther King, Jr., Papers, 1954-1968, Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center, Boston University, Boston, Mass.