From Emory O. Jackson
Author: Jackson, Emory O. (Birmingham World)
Date: January 12, 1955
Location: Birmingham, Ala.
Genre: Letter
Topic: Martin Luther King, Jr. - Political and Social Views
Jackson, managing editor of the Birmingham World, asks King for a biographical sketch and photo so that he can publicize King’s upcoming speech to a meeting of the Birmingham branch of the NAACP.1
Rev. M. L. King, Jr., Pastor
Dexter Avenue Baptist Church
Montgomery, Alabama
Dear Rev. Mr. King:
Please be kind enough to forward to us a glossy-print photo of yourself and a biographical sketch that we may use this material in connection with your forthcoming appearance as feature speaker at the NAACP installation program here.
Your prompt attention to this matter would be most helpful inasmuch as we are trying to give the best and widest possible news built-up to the NAACP installation program.
Yours truly,
[signed] Emory O. Jackson/a
Emory O. Jackson, Managing Editor
Birmingham World
P. O. Box 1968
312 North 17th Street
Birmingham, Alabama
1. Emory Overton Jackson (1908–1975) received an A.B. from Morehouse College in 1932 and studied at Atlanta University. He became managing editor of the Birmingham World in 1943. Jackson was founder and first president of both the Alabama Newspaper Association and the Alabama State Conference of the NAACP. A photograph of King and a short biography appeared a week later (“Rev. King to Deliver NAACP Officers’ Installation Talk,” Birmingham World, 21 January 1955). See also “NAACP to Install Officers; Rev. M. L. King Jr., Speaker,” Birmingham World, 14 January 1955.
Source: MLKP-MBU, Martin Luther King, Jr., Papers, 1954-1968, Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center, Boston University, Boston, Mass.