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To George D. Kelsey

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Author: King, Martin Luther, Jr. (Montgomery Improvement Association)

Date: March 8, 1956

Location: Montgomery, Ala.

Genre: Letter

Topic: Montgomery Bus Boycott


King enclosed a receipt for ten dollars in this thank-you letter to his former teacher at Morehouse.

Mr. George D. Kelsey
Drew University
Madison, New Jersey

Dear Mr. Kelsey:

This is just a note to express our deepest gratitude to you for your very fine contribution. I assure you that we will long remember your coming to our aid in this momentous struggle for justice. Such contributions from friends and organizations sympathetic with our struggle give us renewed courage and vigor to carry on.

With every good wish, I am

Cordially yours,
[signed] M. L.
M. L. King, Jr.,


{P.S. It was really good hearing from you. Your words were very encouraging. Please give my regards to the family. M. L.}

Source: GDKP-INP, George D. Kelsey Papers, In Private Hands.

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