From R. D. Nesbitt
Author: Nesbitt, R. D. (Robert D.) (Dexter Avenue Baptist Church)
Date: March 15, 1954
Location: Montgomery, Ala.
Genre: Letter
Topic: Martin Luther King, Jr. - Career in Ministry
Reverend M L King, Jr
396 Northampton Street (Apt 5)
Boston, Massachusetts
Dear Reverend King:
We appreciated very much your letter of recent date indicating that you can be with us for the first Sunday in April. This is quite satisfactory, as we shall be happy to have you serve our Communion for us on that day. There is also a possibility that we may wish to have you baptize about five candidates either at the morning hour or at an evening service which we could plan. At present our pool is not in condition to be used, but it may be possible that it can be put into usable condition by that time; otherwise, we may plan to have the baptism in some other church’s auditorium and pool. These details can be cleared between now and that time.
We are glad that you can come down on Saturday. We shall make plans to have a meeting with the officers on that night to try to clear some of the details respecting the call which we have extended to you and which we sincerely hope that you can accept.
Looking forward to seeing you within the next few weeks, I am
Cordially yours,
R D Nesbitt, Church Clerk
CC: Brother T H Randall, Chr Deacons
Loveless School
Montgomery, Alabama
Source: MLKP, MBU, Martin Luther King, Jr., Papers, 1954-1968, Boston University, Boston, Mass.